Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Rite....today was erm..okay i'd say. Did ok for thermofluids...got 92%. Sighs the 100% gone..lol but nvm, i'll do better haha! kk. PDD presentation went smoothly, renders were not bad. Surprised the teachers with it...haha! Now gotta study for maths test that is like tomorrow?! Hope by tonight can be quite good at it..hehe.. Tomorrow's gonna be a mega hectic day once again. Got ProE "make-up" lesson from 10am - 12pm, then got meeting with GEMS Client from 1-3pm. After which, have test at 5.15pm... Today all went well except that i had to wait for more than 45mins for bus 200 at North Bouna Vista, of which i got fed up waiting and took a cab home.. Dots... Waste my time. Project group for PDD is err....rather screwed? Sianz...always kena this type of people in my group. Fated la... K enough about horrid school.. Think i have been rather mean or rather cold to a certain person. i dont know...that how i feel...haix... LoL kk..I put yet another pic i rendered for my Smart Walking Frame Concept. I present... THE TRIPOD... 
cya ~
Tuesday, November 28, 2006;
I made my mark
Monday, November 27, 2006
Its been AGES. Literally ages since i last blogged. Haha. If this continues the blog will be dead permanently! So.. now at least it'll be revived for a while after this post! Haha. Basically, life has been rather erm.. unusual? stressful? and definately UNCERTAIN! :P Gah...uncertainty..hmm..nvm hope it pays off :pP KK enough crap liao..This is the PDD design i did for my interface for my smart walking frame. Sounds weird but i want you guys and gals to have a glimpse of it. Comments are greatly appreciated as usual. I present to you... THE INTERFACE 
Ruthy is coming back from Aust! Yay! Anyways, hope to watch "Happy Feet" with her..haha..waiting for the good news!I got 100% for ProE, 76% for Mechanics, only 67% for CAMAC (Milling), 95% for Maths 3, 77% for BPNV. Thermofluids marks will be returned tomorrow so hmm..all the best to myself haha! Have gotta study better and get 4pts this sem...lol. Okays..Tag people!Cya
Monday, November 27, 2006;
I made my mark
Sunday, November 12, 2006
My heart is HEAVYBut i CAN'T do anything about itPlease be HAPPYAs ONLY that can make me feel BETTERYou have NO idea how this feels...
Sunday, November 12, 2006;
I made my mark
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Sian...back to Square one. Furthermore sick.
Wtvr la.
Thursday, November 09, 2006;
I made my mark
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Today is a good day to blog...Cos i have time and yes i cant talk on the phone today. Sighs. Anyways, got rather ok results from my maths common test yesterday. Expected to get full marks but missed it by 1 point...gah!! Like wth la...Hmm...decided to start my silkroad online again with sis thou that will mean i'll lose all my items and everything..NO!!! Cos going to try another sever which wont lag that much. Next week is E-learning week! haha means holiday to some extent? haha!I wish...I pray...I miss...I hope...Projects are filling my days up accompanied with tests starting from today...sighs. I wonder why, why is life always putting me in a spot?! The higher you go the more fear you get...Gone for a while seems like eternity...Saturday is coming! Yay! Bye~
Thursday, November 02, 2006;
I made my mark