Saturday, October 28, 2006
This pic is dedicated to Char...I'm actually starting to like doing bright pics haha! Enjoy!PS: Comments are greatly appreciated :)
Saturday, October 28, 2006;
I made my mark
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Hey Guys...This is the most recent Pic i did for my project. Spent donkey years waiting for inspiration to strike me till today! Damn Happy...LoL. I would like comments PLEASE. Thanks! Its for a presentation due on Thursday so yea.. :) Comments wanted! Haha!Nitex!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006;
I made my mark
Saturday, October 21, 2006 CLOSE and yet so FAR...
Saturday, October 21, 2006;
I made my mark
Friday, October 20, 2006
As usual..i have not been blogging for a while..stuck with the projects and all and yes of cos i'm LAZY too... :P Okays...anyways my morning was screwed, all thanks to my world famous nonsense mum who always likes to talk things that has no link to whatever she scolds me for. Dots...
Ok this entry will not be dedicated to her so thats all abt her for now. Hmm...okays, char u better study well for the advanced driving theory today! Haha..and you have gotta make sure i pass the basic one in 1 shot! LOL!
-Crapping...Crapping...Crapping- now i got the slideshow of pictures up...i need photos! More photos! Haha! The no. of them i put in is quite pathetic..but not to worry there will be more :D
It'll sound wrong if i said," take more photos with me!"
So since you people out there are looking at this screen, u know what to do la.. :) I hope...haha!
Okays, i like my XD project group lots...great guys! And gals Its just so different the feeling eventhough the group is just formed and we hardly know each other but i feel that we're rather close. like we are brought together by fate or smth..haha. kk.
thats all for now.. and miss char's "kk." hmm..she's gonna kill me for that..
Wtvr la..
Friday, October 20, 2006;
I made my mark
Monday, October 16, 2006
Hey guys, i just added a mini slideshow to my blog. Tell me if its ok anot :) Haha! Had to fiddle alot with the stupid html codes to get it in place but what the heck, its here! Cheers!
Monday, October 16, 2006;
I made my mark
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006;
I made my mark
Sunday, October 08, 2006

This is my new piano teacher and her most horrible student! :PHad a great time yesterday...though the haze was terrible. Reached a high of 150psi! Anyways, that din't stop our moronic antics hahaha! Horrible girl always bully me.. :P And so much homework from this MUSIC TEACHER! Take Care
Sunday, October 08, 2006;
I made my mark
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006;
I made my mark
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Finally...i got my dream car... wahaha! :P
Thursday, October 05, 2006;
I made my mark
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I'm killing time now in school...have nothing to do for 45mins so here i am updating my "dead" blog. Anyways, i'm going for some interview later for a mentoring cca. To mentor small kids in primary school. Like "WOW!" they need to be mentored and would they listen? Haha..oh wells no matter how we explain, we have to convince their friends. In primary school, if i'm not wrong, peer pressure plays a major role in decision making at that age.
And i'm wondering...What the hell am i talking about this for?!
Bored...LOL. I guess the reason why i wanted to join this cca was b'cos of friends. Have many friends in there. And i'm like going to be CHELMIN's junior!!! ARGH! This is dumb...confirm kena by her...SIGHS! Going to kena boxed by her for saying hmm..that'll make me get boxed by her 3times in 2days?
K..enough small talk.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006;
I made my mark
My new Personalised Signature for my artworks
Wednesday, October 04, 2006;
I made my mark
Sunday, October 01, 2006
I decided i should blog after a long time. Oh wells. Many things have happened in these past few weeks. School just started for like 1 week already and i'm sort of enjoying my modules at the moment. Hope to score 4pts this sem for my GPA. Anyways, Been back from the China trip. The trip taught me alot of things i would not experience in Singapore. Especially appreciating the TOILETS! Made lots of friends and learned new skills.
Enough of the trip. Dont exactly feel like blogging now. Feel very sian. I dunno why but yeah i feel like incomplete today. Should not let my mind run wild. Think i'm thinking too much. All the best for those doing their exams in the coming weeks. Good luck Char for the piano paper, Jean for the EOY exam all the best. May you succeed in getting into the desired course u want and again, don't be too stressed out okays? Everythings going to be just fine when the exams are over. Dont think too much :)
Enjoy the new blogskin.
Sunday, October 01, 2006;
I made my mark