Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Ugh...have been down with a bad fever, headaches and aches for the past 3 days. Stupid jab and its side effects...haix. Took 2 jabs and malaria pill on a single day. kaoz... Oh wells..its over.Today, finally feeling better. Had been having rough nights the past few days. Horrid. Hope everyone is feeling fine. Results will be out soon!!! Argh! And i'll be away when it is released...heh! Leaving for china on Monday 2am! So gotta be in the airport at abt 11pm on Sunday. Meeting will be at 1130pm. Yups.kk...i have really nth to say le...this blog is dying..wahaha! TAG! LoLx.take care.Bye
Wednesday, August 30, 2006;
I made my mark
Friday, August 25, 2006
Okays, miss shusan...this is the poster for 6A as promised. Told ya i'd do it before i go to China. Help me tell the others abt it. you can download it from me. Its in a wallpaper size of 1024 x 768.
Friday, August 25, 2006;
I made my mark
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
What is fear? Is it a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger, a state or condition marked by this feeling: living in fear, a feeling of disquiet or apprehension: a fear of looking foolish, an extreme reverence or awe, as toward a supreme power, or even a reason for dread or apprehension: Being alone is my greatest fear?
The answer is, all of them. Fear can manifest into many forms and affect us drastically, in the way we perceive things. For example, since I fear the dark I will not step into a dark room. Let’s say for instance, someone where to throw you into a dark room, what would you do? You can’t say no, because you have no choice. You can’t get out because the room is locked. So what are you going to do? Face your fear.Taking the dark room as a very good example, as we all was once afraid of the dark at some point in time. You would actually notice that we eventually overcome our fear of that dark. I being an example, at an early age, my parents would tuck me into bed every night. And I would ask them in a very soft voice just before they leave my room, “Daddy, can you leave the staircase light on, and leave my door slightly open?” My dad would smile and say, “Sure.” But, time after time, soon after fall asleep, he would turn it off. Initially, I felt so mad at him for turning the lights off because in the middle of the night I would wake up and find total darkness around me. I was afraid, but after a while I got used to it and now I’m no longer afraid of the dark. Now, I even could not get to sleep if there is some light!
Fear of mockery. This is one fear we should not take lightly. This form alone has taken many lives. On the news, you see countless people taking their own lives by doing stupid things. Classic example is when a friend challenges another to swim or do something that is dangerous. That’s when face comes before safety and therefore we end up with another dead person.
The one fear that I can’t get over, is the fear of letting history repeat itself. Especially, when it comes to relationships dealing with affairs of the heart. (No finger pointing) but truth is its something I fear terribly. I want my next relationship to be my last and best.
Okay, enough about fear and all…haha I have decided that my next picture that’s going to be posted is going to be titled fear. I have done out a rough layout of what it’ll look like and GOD its bloody scary! I can’t bring myself to do it at night. Just looking at it sends shiver down your spine. Beware!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006;
I made my mark
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Wow..its Sunday already! Its been only 4days after my exams and i feel like its been a long time already..haha!
For those who don't know, I'll be in CHINA from 4th September all the way to 21st September. Will be there to help build facilities for the poor.. =)
Ok, back to the topic...i don't think i'll be doing more pictures until i have the feeling...Now i have none! Haha! Oh wells, for the next picture i would like it to be a brighter and happier one apart from those that i have done recently. Haha, i think its getting to me already..ugh.. :P
I want to play BADMINTON! Its been a while since i played it..hor hor...those reading this responsible to accomodate me..haha so book a day to play with me!!! HAHA! Okay..don't think i have anything else to say for now...Study hard for those either taking their "O" Levels and those going for their steaming for their different combinations.. Take care!
Sunday, August 20, 2006;
I made my mark
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Argh! Blogger is crapping up again! I cant upload my full image! Sorry jobe! The image stands at 40.9Mb now, but even after i resize it, the stupid blogger still can't take it..dunno wahts wrong la...the last pic on loneliness was abt this one resize to 2oMb oso can't! Damn sian la...Spent 2 days trying to upload..Diao! Argh!
I think my photoshop skills are improving slightly...hope u guys like this one...abit the bloody and gothic..Specially requested by Raven aka Jobe.
PS: The pic u see now is a screen shot. Rave, if u want the actual high res image ask me..i try to send to u! :)
Saturday, August 19, 2006;
I made my mark
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Dear readers...You'll be seeing more pictures these days as i choose to relay my thought into my artworks. I feel its a better way for me to do so.. Anyways, enjoy the artpieces... =)
Comments are welcomed...Also please tag before you leave
Yesterday, the materials exam was rather ok...a few questions i crapped but over all ok lor...Marketing paper was so so la...Nothing really great.. Just hope that this sem GPA wont be too bad...
Right now like kinda no mood like that, have stupid accounts paper to do tomorrow. Argh...i'm so gonna die la...i just got this damn feeling i'll have to re-take the module next sem...haix..hope not.. mum was like if u gotta re-take then re-take lor...i tot she was gonna scold me or smth. oh wells...just hope i dont have to ba...
*****************************I know the reason now...
Its okay, now i understand....
I wasn't being ignored....
Wednesday, August 16, 2006;
I made my mark
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Hmm...Have been sudying for that past 8hrs..tonight another big dinner...haix..haha! Have been having 3 big dinners consecutively..kinda sian of those dinners le..but since my uncle come nevermind la..haha!I sense a people...i'm not sure if its me...or it actually is? Puzzled... Is it the age? As people grow up they change? Probably ba...but..its too sudden...what will happen once i go into army? people say people change alot after they come its some portal into another world.
People will change...
LoL..byran's the ice cream champion for 2 years in a row. Congrats! Woner hows the skid by jean, nigel and jobe. hmm..DAMN sianz la..4 days till all my misery is over...can't wait. Then can go out le.. =)
k...wtvr...nothing to say le...haha.
Sunday, August 13, 2006;
I made my mark
Friday, August 11, 2006
My days are growing darker and darker...Argh..the exams are friggin near! Just finished my WSE test and i think i screwed up my press release BIG time! Sales letter was ok...somehow i got a knack for it..oh wells...die la...Sianz!
This sem my predicted GPA would stand at 3.2 thats like mega sucky! Crap...How many A's? None? Sighs..really got to do something about my results...I'm doing worst and worst...becoming more and more lazy! And yet i know...thats so dumb..i know yet i dont do anything...Congrats to me!
Ok..lets see...i have 4 days left to cover my 4 subjects throughly..tonight going for dinner with uncle so half the night is spent eating...fine..tmr going out to study with raz..hopefully after tmr i'll be ok in my maths and accounts. I pray...Sheez.
Haix..nothing to say now...dunno whats there to blog...more like dont feel like saying anything at the moment.
Crappy Days up ahead.
Watch out.
Friday, August 11, 2006;
I made my mark
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Yawnz...wah damn tired...everyday sleep at 3.00am do nothing but edit my projects on But i love photoshop! Its damn cool la! :P Anyways i know i have not been blogging again for like a long time...and blah blah blah, well the usual...i'm LAZY and EXAMS are round the corner...haix...this Semester the GPA surely drop like nuts. I'm dying in accounts! I HATE accounts! Oh wells... FEATURES POSTER

These are the posters i did up. I think its very average...stupid shawn, do the poster till so zhai! Argh! What to do...part time graphics designer...hmm :( Will try to compete with him again next sem in PDD2...I'll be back!
Will be going over for BBQ on National Day's eve...hmm...can't wait..haha..think can stay late? LoL! See how... Jean, cheer up :) Get over it k? Smilez~
Err...EXAMS on the 15th Aug and 17th soon...hope can still do well...okays hen i shall go mug again..haix...Cya!
Sunday, August 06, 2006;
I made my mark