Sunday, May 28, 2006

From Clockwise: San, Sw, Yc, me!
LOL! This is the 1st time i uploaded a pic to my blog...haha...Just to try out! :) Anyways, coolest bunch around! Haha! These are the people who are always there for me...This is like some Thank you!
Now, for the actual blogging...I really feel super "sian" of school! Got so much things to hand up this coming week! Argh!!! Thinking of skipping the afternoon lesson tomorrow to go back to SAS to do my artefact...stupid sp no wood lathe... :( Whereas i hate engineering design! I hate stupid engineering design and accounts! Sucks! Woohoo, last week of school! Can't wait for Thursday, Friday, Saturday! Cheryl, heys you'll do fine.don't hard!
Sunday, May 28, 2006;
I made my mark
Friday, May 26, 2006
Had a long day today...sighs...think i won't do too well for my Engineering Maths Test...sighs...screwed up my last question! Argh! Anyways, Raj...thanks ar..tear up my time don't discuss with you after my test...but thanks...really. Have to look on...And not dwell in the past...wats done is done... :)
Ok, lets see....i did an embarassing thing today! :P i actually fell asleep on a gal's shoulder on my way back from town! OMG! haha! Was like so mega paiseh...but the gal...not chio la.. :P okok...crapping...
Now, its serious...I just hate it when i specially invite people and then they don't turn up bcos another person is not coming..i'm not pointing fingers at anyone but yea...i don't like it. Especially, when i try like erm...for 2 years?! Can't even make it just 1 night? Forget it...
"Zhong Se Qin You"
All the sorry no use...year after year its the same...excuses...and this year its the worst to be frank...i'll call someone else...
Heys, I'll be flying into London on the 9th evening...Will be staying in London till 13th June...U really sure u want to meet me? But yes, i do look forward to this meeting :) Hope to see ya!
Friday, May 26, 2006;
I made my mark
Monday, May 22, 2006
1st things 1st, My birthday the dinner venue could be changed. So about the hotel Royal one leave it aside. I'll update you guys where is the new venue asap :)
ok, now to update my blog...Flashes of the thoughts in my head seem to be appearing more and more often...not something i like though so yea...but i always will assure myself that i'll leave it to fate to decide this kind of problem..sighs..the future is so unpredictable..I believe that things like relationship is something we can't really all depends on the other party..if she accepts then good for you..else, you leave it to fate to let things take its pris always preach, God has a plan for us all. Though i'm not a christian, but i really believe in this. Haha..weird but yea.. :) The thoughts always appear in the nights and times you feel so lonely...the quietness makes your thoughts wonder even more.. Oh wells... Many of my friends right now are in a relationship, just wish them the best :) Seems like 18 is the time for relationships to start or offense but as yc says ,"you're only 18!". Love is very blind, trust me, i have experienced it...haha! But well to all those love birds out there, god bless you all :)
On Sunday, which is yesterday, went out with Bryan to attend Yc's Amazing Food Race! haha, wacky game but its nice...get to experience and taste differnt food from "all over" See la jobe, ask you to come dun wan...can't enjoy :P Hmm..i personally feel that i have been neglecting some friends during this time...have been rather busy or come back very late.. :)
Oh ya one more thing...To all those taking their "O" levels Chinese in a couple more days? (haha..i not too sure when LOL!) All the best!!! Good Luck! Esp to my St. Marg friends and Amber.. kk...have to go for class soon, today's gonna end late..argh..friggin 8.30pm! LOL!
~I hate monday classes~
~Reason: sleep late on sundays and sleep during Engineering Design..Get scolded by teacher who slam the book on my table to wake me up. Get Monday Blues...
Argh..this is getting no where lol...bye!
Monday, May 22, 2006;
I made my mark
Friday, May 19, 2006
Man, i had a hard week...Not an easy one...1stly, stress from 3 ongoing projects due to be done in 2 weeks. Next i had...some problems...affairs of the heart...din't really make things beter... sighs. But, now i know i have taken a step ahead. Seriously, i feel that i have some how attained some enlightenment.. Things happen so suddenly. there i was all down in the dumps 2 days ago and i was initially expecting the week to turn out dreadful but just yesterday everything went smoothly and i finally broke out of the horrid spiral of love and hate. I feel really relived... :)Thanks for those who stood by me...i know i have given you guys the moody tone and all when u called me but yea thanks alot. This goes out specially to YC and Bryan... :) Thanks! Now, things are starting to turn on the brightside... :) ok gotta go now got GEMS and its at 1! ARGH gonna be late! Bye!
Friday, May 19, 2006;
I made my mark
Sunday, May 14, 2006
How GREAT! Just GREAT! Another one of those days where i feel so sian! Argh! I hate this feeling!!! Really like wanna go out or something! And its 11.05pm! I'm practically ROTTING! The feeling of slowly decaying...damn the feelings la!
I wanna talk to someone...So that i can rid this "sian-ness" inside me! Going BONKERS!
Life kinda sucks when this happens...excuse me...
Sunday, May 14, 2006;
I made my mark
Monday, May 08, 2006
Well, my birthday is around the corner...hmm...this time budget is S$200. so can call about 12 people? Kinda sad..but yea...sighs! Anyways, its just a dinner on either 2nd, 3rd, 4th of june. So make yourselves free ar! Lol! Its on either a friday, saturday, sunday, in case u people are lazy to go check. haha! I'm free on all of those days, so can meet up with you people. Just wanna enjoy and heck about work for those few days so make it memoriable! Haha!Any Wish List For me? Hmm...nope! I like SURPRISES! But not the spiked type! Haha! You people know me so..hmm..shall leave it to you peeps! Erm...Think thats about all for now. I'll inform you guys the details at a later timing!=)
Monday, May 08, 2006;
I made my mark
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Its been a rather long time since i went online as my laptop is down...stupid thing crash on me when i had to do a presentation..sianz..anyways, going to get it up and running soon! ok..about my life..its time to update!
Yesterday, went out with Char...started off fine, then we went to try out the new cinema- The Cathy. It can be matched to the GV seats. Quite comfortable i'd say. Not bad at all. Sound system is great! hmm..oh ya, they have a new type of service. they bring the food you ordered to your cinema seat! Its that good. Initially, Char was rather worried that they would not bring our food we ordered. Funny gal...relac k? haha! Erm..she even asked me to go check! Haha! But i'm not complaining :P Bleah~
Watched the show "When A Stranger Calls". Its a really good show to keep you on your toes! One heck of a thriller...scared the ginkies outta me a few times! hmm..a good show nonetheless.. :)
Oh ya..went back home at about scolded by mum. (the usual) wahaha! Well, things happen after the movie...but there was good stuff as well as not too good! The past, should be left behind...Onwards!
Now one of the artists i like is Shakira! Think she's very good! A brilliant singer! "hips don't lie"
Excellent song! Anyways that's about it ba. And my screwed up presentation? That one, can do better with my group! Sharon, heys if u see this, Remember our group can do well ba...that day wasn't exactly in good mood after the wretched presentation. you guys got stage fright. Me too...haha!Sad time we have to have more trials before the actual thing! Can do well one! That'll be our "A" Module. I assure!
Okies, birthday is coming up. think it'll be on either 2,3,4 june? Have to confirm...but it'll be very rush for me haha! Would have just came back from HongKong! Till next time...I'll be Back! haha! Bye peeps!
Sunday, May 07, 2006;
I made my mark